Michál Anna Carrillo
Michál Anna has been fully engaged in the path of knowing her deeper inner self and bringing that gift to others. As a licensed massage therapist on the Big Island since 1999, Michál has had opportunity to engage in over 20,000 hours of healing work with clients from all over the world. Her work is authentic, intuitive, multi-dimensional and transformational. She has developed her own proven frameworks and systems to work with triggers and “picking up your pearls” from her experiences in following the bread crumbs to knnow thyself. These frameworks are designed to help people release whatever is keeping them from experiencing living in their higher self, so that one can live in their peace and joy. She is also a licensed Minister, Founder/ED Lavaroots Performing Arts and DD/VP/Treasurer of Kissidugu Foundation since inception. She has resided on the Big Island of Hawaii since 1998
She shares the spirit of Aloha, Truth & Unity in Living light with her clients, students and community. She is dedicated to serve Source; fully, completely and totally.
In Gratitude to Beloved GOD
Eternal Living Light SOURCE
Reflections on LIVING Light
To Live as the Observer and Experiencer simultaneously requires one to not take oneself too seriously, being able to self reflect, ponder, redirect if needed and make conscious choices to live in right action with all of Life.
To live in the "Activated AHHH' we must not pick the left or pick the right but instead sit within the center, reaching for nothing, while loving everything. When we reach we have already bought the idea that we are separate from it. But we are separate from nothing and made of everything.
Every action, word, thought, deed, manifestation, intention is creating. What is being created and why?
The Ego plays tricks. Take time to unwind the mind and be brutally honest with thyself.
We have the choice as starseeds within density to remember who we are, why we came, activate our Christ codes within, and hold the frequency of Divine Truth/Love, if we so choose.
When we claim full authority of our life, we realize we are separate from nothing.
All is God. Infinite Unity.
Whether we take the long way home or choose an ascension path, we can have no attachment to where one may be in this timeline. It is a LONG Game. Therefore, we must stay Unattached and Amused; Ever Loving. Surrendering to the will of the Infinite versus the will of self. Allowing the high heart to lead, connected to Mother/Father God.
May you have the courage to forgive all beings in all dimensional spaces and timelines, for they know not what they do. Let go of all the stories and remember we are eternal beings of LIVING LIGHT.
Activate the AHHH!
VIBRATE Joy, Love, Laughter, Bliss, Creations, Ideas, & Yumminess in ALL WAYS!
May you have what you need when you need it.
Love Eternal,
Michál Anna
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